November 19, 1988 – John Lithgow / Tracy Chapman (S14 E6)

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

dieting Oprah Winfrey (JAH) has delusions of food during her show

— Hoo, boy.  Jan as a blackface Oprah…
— I gotta say, though, Jan’s impression sure is making me laugh. It’s a testament to her talents that she can make a role like this come off so funny.
— Very funny bit with Oprah hallucinating her two staff members’ heads as food.
— Jan as Oprah: “Look at the butt! Look at the butt!”
— Now they’re humorously taking the food hallucinations further with the food props the performers playing Oprah’s guests are wearing on their heads.
— I love how this has now escalated to the guests’ conversation randomly having out-of-place food words inserted in place of normal words.
STARS: ****

host offers sarcastic-sounding Thanksgiving words & plays guitar

— Interesting jacket.
— I like his sarcastic reading of a Thanksgiving letter.
— Not sure why this has suddenly turned into a guitar instrumental. I was enjoying where this was going before then.
STARS: **½

Long White Beard silently makes your point- tardiness is unacceptable

— I absolutely love this silly concept. It’s hilarious to me.
— Very funny visual of an entire boardroom simultaneously turning their chairs to show a tardy Phil their long white beards. I also love the subsequent shot of them impatiently tapping their fingers on the table and an embarrassed Phil quietly going “Ooouuuch” to himself.
STARS: ****

a priest (host) hears confessions from dogs at St. Bernard’s Church

— Nice ad-libbing from both Lithgow and the first dog’s voice-over when the dog faces away from the camera.
— Another clever ad-lib with Lithgow’s “I believe W.C. Fields was right.”
— Boy, the ending with the assistant dog got botched really badly. Lithgow once again ad-libs his way out of it by telling the dog “You were so good at the dress rehearsal”, which was a good way to end this sketch.
— Speaking of dress rehearsal, this sketch would later be replaced with the dress version in reruns. I can see why, as the bloopers with the dogs are funnier there, and at one point features a great ad-lib with Lithgow telling one constantly barking dog “You’re not to bark; you’re in a sketch.”
STARS: *** for the live version, ***½ for the rerun version

Baudelaire fakes death to get Master Thespian’s role as Hamlet

— Yes! These sketches are always perfect with Lithgow.
— I love Master Thespian being fooled by Baudelaire’s flimsy doctor disguise.
— The “Do you mind keeping your voice down?!?” part during the phony phone call was hilarious.
— Great part with Master Thespian fooling himself with a phone call.
— An overall fantastic John Lithgow-involved Master Thespian sketch as always.
STARS: ****½

musical guest performs “Mountains O’ Things”

Margaret Thatcher (host) denies royal family ties

— I got a good laugh from Pat smelling a page of her Vogue magazine and then gleefully going “That was Cher.”
— The perfume picture of Pat is really funny.
— Very extended audience laughter when Lithgow enters as Margaret Thatcher.
— Great voice on Lithgow here.
— I liked Pat asking Thatcher “Are you oily or dry?”
STARS: ***½

Jimmy Stewart’s (DAC) poem about his dog reduces DEM to tears
letters from Mother Teresa & Japan support JOL’s order- “Get to know me!”


— Dana-as-Jimmy-Stewart’s dog poem has some good laughs.
— Dennis’ ridiculous-sounding high-pitched crying during the Jimmy Stewart dog poem is cracking me the hell up.
— Jimmy Stewart, in response to Dennis’ crying: “What are you, a woman? Maybe you should name yourself Denise Miller; you certainly have the hair for it!” Dennis: “………Cool it with the hair, Jimmy.”
— I like how after the Jimmy Stewart commentary ended, Dennis poked fun at his own crying attempt by saying “Probably why you don’t see me acting more on the show.”
— Loved the audience’s offended reaction to the Baby Jessica joke.
— The return of Lovitz’s “Get to know me!” routine.
— Funny part with a letter-writer who started to get to know Lovitz but stopped.
— Loved the letter Lovitz reads from Japan.
STARS: ***½

at the Alamo, (host)’s call for volunteers creates much waffling

— Funny opening bit regarding the exact number of Mexicans out there.
— Great part with the soldiers going back-and-forth on their decision to follow Jan who’s offering sex but has “the burning disease” in her loins.
— Loved Davy Crockett suddenly keeling over.
— Very funny appearance from Phil as “Strange Bob”.
— Kevin’s Tarzan making an appearance outside of the Tonto, Tarzan, and Frankenstein pieces!
— I like how increasingly absurd this sketch is getting, with Franken and Davis now randomly appearing as aliens Zacdu and Mondo.
— A good laugh from Zacdu and Mondo’s lame demonstration with the chicken.
— Solid ending with the fake-out regarding choosing black/white beans.
STARS: ****

musical guest performs “Freedom Now” & “Baby, Can I Hold You”

Marge Keister tends to overstuffed male family members on Thanksgiving


— We haven’t seen Marge Keister in what feels like a long time. I don’t think she appeared at all in season 13, unless I’m forgetting something.
— Funny initial visual of each husband entering the scene with a bloated gut.
— Amusing slice-of-life aspect with the guys opening their belts in unison to let the air out.
— Jan’s getting some really good laughs from her great delivery of her lines.
— Victoria’s very brief, throwaway walk-on ends up being her ONLY appearance of this entire episode.
— Did a fart sound effect fail to play when a straining Phil lifted his behind off the chair? Something definitely seemed to go wrong there, because it results in a rare instance of Phil breaking character and kinda laughing to himself.
— I can appreciate this overall sketch as a low-key, relatable piece. Nothing great, but I found it okay and it had a certain charm.
STARS: ***

osteology professor’s (host) fear of skeletons makes his job difficult

— Lithgow’s first screaming reaction to looking at the skeleton made me laugh out loud.
— Funny visual of a ridiculously tiny skeleton being used to help Lithgow get over his fear.
— Loved his whispery “Ohh!” exclamation when seeing the tiny skeleton.
— This role is so perfect for Lithgow.
— Good hysterical laughter from him when seeing the skeleton dressed as a pirate.
— I really liked the ending with Phil and Lithgow going back-and-forth with their alternating reactions to the skeleton with and without the pirate costume.
STARS: ***½


— A fairly solid episode, and I liked almost everything in it. Lithgow did his usual great job as a host and the show used him well in roles that perfectly suit both his comedic style (e.g. Skeleton) and ad-libbing skills (Animal Confession). It’s a shame this ends up being his final hosting stint.

a mild step up

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here

Danny DeVito

13 Replies to “November 19, 1988 – John Lithgow / Tracy Chapman (S14 E6)”

  1. Yeah I never quite got why John was never asked back.. in a few years he had some fun movies and Third Rock he was pretty solid.. dumb move on SNL’s part he should be a 5 timer.

    He had the best show in 1985 and 2 other solid shows it shoulda been enough to bring him back.

    1. The opening oprah sketch also had very silly conanesque humor though i could also see robert smigel writing it

  2. The skeleton sketch almost has the vibe of a routine from a Third Rock episode.

    I’m certainly surprised Lithgow never hosted during the Third Rock run, but really, he could even host now again.

  3. Can anyone tell who is playing the turkey leg-headed crew member in the cold open (who yells “LFNY”)? It doesn’t sound obviously like any of the cast members to me, and while it looks like Jon Lovitz, it’s a different outfit then he was wearing before.

    The SNL archive credits the role to Dana Carvey, but it doesn’t sound like Dana, even if we assume it’s prerecorded (since Dana is wearing the cake-head prop in the sketch).

  4. Is there anywhere that you can watch the opening monologue with John Lithgow and G.E. Smith?

    I’ve searched the all powerful YouTube, and all of the streaming services, and I can’t find that clip specifically, anywhere.

    My fiance is a musician, and would like to find this clip, somewhere, if possible.

    1. I’ve tried the SNL Archives, but they dont include any videos. doesn’t have Season 14, and neither does Hulu. I got closer with Peacock, they have season 14 of SNL, but when you watch episode 6, the Oprah skit, John’s monologue, and Tracy Chapman’s performances are all cut out of that episode.

      Seems like everything is coming to a dead end, and all I want is to find that clip.

    2. Thank you for clearing that up for me! I was able to find it in about 3 minutes this morning!

      Thank you, all for your help! I knew it had to be somewhere in the depths of the interwebs.

  5. Now that the cat’s out of the bag on this board, I have to ask, how long will SNL remain on It seems to be a bit of a grey market site. My suspicion is the powers that be are tolerating it during the pandemic as a form of noblesse oblige but will shut it down once most of the social distancing regulations are lifted.

    What would be really nice would be for them to actually release seasons 6-34 on DVD/BluRay or offer them on a streaming service somewhere uncut. The BBC finally bit the bullet and did so with classic Doctor Who a few years ago through Amazon via BritBox. And most fans were happy to pay $7 a month or whatever instead of going to buggy grey market sites like dailymotion that threw an ad in your face every 5 minutes and had dubious a/v quality and no subtitles. Hoping NBC can find a way to do it with SNL. And spare me the lame excuses about “music rights.” If they can find a way to officially post recent SNL musical performances on youtube, they should be able to find a way to license 35 year old performances.

    1. With The Muppet Show finally releasing on Disney Plus this February 19, I hope they will release it uncut as there’s a lot of licensed songs out there (most notably its episode with Elton John), I heard a speculation that the reason why it got delayed is Disney is trying to get all music rights together on majority of these episodes. Its upcoming release on Disney Plus is a major big deal to Muppet fans as aside from its first three seasons that are already released on home video, this is the first time this one will finally have its last two seasons that are never been released before on home video (Seasons 4 and 5).

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