January 17, 1981 – Karen Black / Cheap Trick, Stanley Clarke Trio (S6 E7)

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

departing Jimmy (JOP), Rosalynn (ANR), Amy (DED) Carter strip White House


— Ann’s line about Nancy Reagan clawing her way up the stairs was good.
— The line about Nancy Reagan not killing people but “just marrying them instead” kinda died with the audience.
— I’m liking the Carters’ panicked rush to take all the valuable things in the White House.
— Another funny turn with what I’m assuming is an off-camera Gail as Nancy Reagan announcing through a bullhorn that the Carters need to leave now. Sounds like she’s using her famous midwestern “Don’cha know”-type voice/accent, for some reason.
— Yet another weak segue to LFNY. Why are this season’s writers having so much trouble coming up with good LFNYs?
— Overall, a pretty strong cold opening for this season, and for once, Ann Risley gave a performance I actually liked.
STARS: ***½

(no synopsis available)

— The “say anything just to get applause” premise is reminiscent of Chevy Chase’s season 3 monologue.
— Funny how her announcement of “I don’t use drugs!” received hesitant applause and even some booing.  A sign of the times.
— I thought this would just be a simple “audience wildly applauds after everything Karen says”, but interestingly, the joke seems to be that the applause keeps varying from loud-to-mild depending on what she says.
— Wow, that was a fast monologue.
STARS: **½

album has classical origins of contemporary hits


— I like how one of the songs listed is “Theme from Dukes of Hazzard”, even if Charles flubbed the title.
— Loved the two-sided Beethoven/Manilow bust.
— An overall decent commercial.
STARS: ***

Foundation For The Tragically Hip solicits donations to abet the trendy

— Pretty funny, and I love how they’re making this feel like an authentic commercial, using outside actors and delivering the funny subject matter and lines in such a straight manner.
— Some really funny lines here.
— Did the band The Tragically Hip REALLY get their name from this sketch?
STARS: ****

game show emcee Phil Lively (CHR) & wife Frances (GLM) meet the neighbors


— A famous sketch from this season.
— Charles and Gail are doing a great job holding normal, casual conversations in a game show manner.
— I like Gilbert and Denny entering as the confused normal couple and being treated as game show contestants. Gilbert’s sullen demeanor that we’ve been seeing so much lately actually works here.
— Funny turn with Gilbert having to guess in a quiz show manner the year of the wine he’s drinking.
— Charles is surprisingly great throughout this.
— Overall, wow, that was a very strong sketch, especially for this season’s standards. I’m aware they bring this back later this season, but I’m not sure if it’ll work as a recurring sketch.
STARS: ****½

Frank Sinatra (JOP) lobbies for Nancy Reagan (GLM) to be vice-president


— The debut of Joe’s Sinatra impression.
— Hey, they actually put Charles’ Reagan in a wig this time.
— Man, his Reagan impression is still terrible, unfortunately.
— I’m really liking Joe’s performance as Sinatra.
— Nice twist at the end with Gail’s Nancy Reagan. For some reason, that reminds me of the “Hillary is the one REALLY running the White House” jokes the show would later make during the Phil Hartman years of Bill Clinton’s presidency.
STARS: ***

CHR honors cabbie Rich Schmaltz [real], NYC daredevil


— What was with the delayed beginning? This started with just dead air as we saw a silent black screen for a long time, and then, while we’re still seeing a black screen, a Pardo voice-over strangely introduces the segment instead of them simply using a “Rocket Report” title screen like they’ve usually been doing this season.
— Geez, quite a daring beginning with Charles leaning far over the railing of the roof of the building. What if he had fallen? Did they have some kind of protective net or something just in case?
— The whole cab part is great. I like how they’re presenting the cab driver as a stunt-taking daredevil and are dramatizing the risky turn he’s attempting to make, with Charles even showing us a layout of the risky turn.
— Overall, one of the best Rocket Report’s I’ve covered so far.
STARS: ****

a museum security guard (CHR) ends his relationship with Mona Lisa (host)


— Strangely, this is the first sketch Karen Black has appeared in all night. I had been wondering where she was.
— Loved Karen loudly telling the off-camera Whistler’s Mother painting to drop dead.
— Karen’s very good in this, and Charles is also doing well.
— Funny ending with Karen hesitantly doing the famous Mona Lisa “smile”.
— Man, tonight’s episode has been on fire so far.
STARS: ***½

Cheap Trick performs “Baby Loves to Rock”

Mary Lou James (ANR) suggests dumb dieters try disguising portion sizes
Rush to the Sunbelt!- stock newsreel footage documents southern migration
JOP decries scalping of Super Bowl XV tickets, then tries to move a pair
CHR excitedly lists the star-studded lineup for the Reagan inauguration


— What was the point of that “scotch and soda” bit between Charles and Gail? It got no reaction from the audience.
— Oh, no, here comes another Ann Risley Update commentary.
— I guess the material itself isn’t bad, but Ann’s attempt at pulling off a snarky, sarcastic delivery is just plain WEAK.
— That’s it? That’s the whole Ann Risley commentary? What was with the awkward ending, with no audience applause and Gail messing up the name of Ann’s character?
— The “Rush to the Sunbelt!” bit was pretty funny, and I always like when SNL uses random old stock footage shots out of context.
— Here’s our weekly Joe Piscopo SNL Sports commentary. I think this is also the first time he’s doing it on Charles’ side of the Update desk.
— Ha, Joe’s bit was very short, but had a very funny turn. I think they’re able to get away with having Joe do an SNL Sports segment on Update every single week because his bits are always short.
— This is the second episode in a row where Joe uses a prop from his commentary to try to sabotage Charles while Charles is in the middle of an Update joke. In the last episode, Joe ran a wind-up bowling ball toy across Charles’ desk, and this time, he’s waving Super Bowl tickets in front of Charles’ face. To Charles’ credit, he always seems to have a good sense of humor about it, which I wouldn’t have expected after all the things I’ve heard about his alleged big ego.
— Good bit with Charles’ fast-paced, hyped-up rundown of events at the upcoming presidential inauguration.
— The Nancy Reagan inaugural dress bit was just dumb.
— Overall, a surprising improvement over the dreadful last Update. Even though they still need a lot of work, the jokes from Charles and Gail were a little better, and the audience was more generous to Gail than they were in the last Update. Gail’s still coming off pretty green as an anchor, though. I’ll be generous and give Update its first passing rating of the whole season so far.
STARS: ***

Dan Rather (JOP) investigates lack of female CBS journalists


— I can’t judge the accuracy of Joe’s Dan Rather impression, because I’m more familiar with older Dan Rather from more recent decades. Knowing Joe, I’m sure it’s a good impression, though.
— I got a big laugh from the cutaway to Joe’s facial reaction after being told “1 out of every 4 weeks, women wouldn’t be able to work”.
— The “Take this job – you’re dead” letter was very funny.
— I like the segment with an “unidentified” Walter Cronkite.
— Overall, pretty good. This felt kinda like a typical pre-taped segment that would’ve aired in season 10.
STARS: ***½

hospitalized stroke victim (GIG) is unable to communicate with visitors


— I’ve heard about this sketch; from what I’ve read about it, it sounds like a very serious, low-key piece with a subject matter that’s always sounded depressing as hell to me. Still interested to see how this goes, though. After all, I was expecting to be depressed by the controversial “First He Cries” sketch from season 5, only to end up getting good laughs from it.
— I commend them for the intriguing format, with having a single camera be the main character’s P.O.V.
— Gilbert’s sarcastic old Jewish voice-over is actually pretty funny, and this is another good use of his now-perpetual sullen delivery.
— Surprised that this is Eddie’s first appearance of the whole night, after how much he dominated the last episode. He IS still just a featured player, though.
— Eddie’s “He about as alive as a baked potato” line made me laugh.
— Some really good character work here. Karen’s character is especially funny and well-done.
— I liked Karen’s “I nearly had a stroke” faux-pas.
— LOL at Gilbert’s deadpan “Oh my god, she’s gonna sing” line about Denny.
— Nice how Gilbert eventually started singing along with Denny in his head.
— This sketch is starting to get really touching now.
— For some reason, the ending actually gave me a nice smile, even though I’m not sure if it was supposed to.
— Overall, I came into this expecting a depressing sketch, but I ended up finding this sketch to have a perfect mix of humor and sentimentality. They did an excellent job with this, in both writing and performances. The original SNL era would’ve been proud.
STARS: ****½

JOP calls the championship match of Fair Dinkum, Scottish game of manhood


— Another appearance tonight from Joe’s SNL Sports persona.
— WTF at this?
— This is kinda reminding me of the nose-wrestling bit from the season premiere, though that one ended up winning me over. Not sure what to think about THIS one.
— And it’s over already. Wow, that was quick.

in the hallway, (YVH) confronts neighbor (EDM) about his loud stereo


— Yvonne to Eddie: “[N-word], are you deaf?!?” Ha, I’m surprised to hear that being said on SNL. I love it!
— Yvonne’s insult about Eddie’s nose was really funny.
— Haha, I’m loving Eddie and Yvonne’s whole back-and-forth insult match.
— Eddie’s Ray Charles line was hilarious.
— Funny turn with Eddie changing his tune when seeing Yvonne’s big boyfriend.
— Good ending with Eddie coming back out to spit on Yvonne’s door.
— Yvonne’s been getting more noteworthy speaking roles this season than I had thought. From everything I’ve heard about this season, I had always been under the impression that Yvonne was basically a glorified extra during her featured player tenure, only being given useless non-speaking bit roles most of the time. Now I see that those reports were fairly exaggerated; the woman has been doing SOME stuff this season so far. Hell, she’s certainly doing more than Patrick Weathers, who gets listed in the opening credits as a featured player in every damn episode yet I never notice him in any sketches (aside from his great turn as Bob Dylan). Where is he??? Am I just having a hard time recognizing him in sketches, much like my misadventures with Peter Aykroyd throughout season 5 (who I was usually only able to identify by his Dan Aykroyd-esque voice than by his actual face)?
STARS: ***½

in a diner, (host) & Paulie Herman order Five Easy Pieces of wheat toast


— Another Jersey Guy sketch. At least they waited a while since the last time he appeared.
— I’m still hearing Jay Leno in Joe’s Jersey Guy voice.
— Karen’s having good rapport with Joe in this.
— Great intense rant from Karen to Denny as the waitress, referencing a famous scene from Five Easy Pieces.
STARS: ***½

Cheap Trick performs “Can’t Stop It But I’m Gonna Try”

CHR plays with SNL Castmember Action Dolls to show how much fun they are


— I’m loving the meta-ness of doing a fake ad about SNL cast action dolls.
— Gilbert’s being called by his backstage “Gillie” nickname.
— This is fun, and Charles is doing a good job demonstrating the whole thing. Charles has been having a rare strong night in general.
STARS: ***½

host has a breakdown because subject keeps changing


— What’s this doing buried at the end of the episode instead of airing in the first half like the prior installments of this sketch did?
— The set is different and looks more low-budget, with just a background consisting of black drapes. Maybe that’s intentional, since this IS supposed to be a public access talk show.
— Good laughs from Karen going crazy with different accents and then suddenly acting like a monkey.
— Overall, not a noteworthy installment of this sketch, but Karen’s performance helped it.
STARS: ***

(MAL) uses (EDM) to mug a couple because “People kill people, not guns”


— Interesting how they’re using the home base stage as a sketch setting, and are having Joe and Ann exiting from that stage’s elevator. Reminds me of how the home base stage from the first two seasons was often used as the setting for sketches taking place in cafes or basements.
— Matthew using Eddie as a weapon was a kinda-funny sight gag for about two seconds, but I’m not sure about the rest of this so far.
— Wow, that was short as hell. (I feel like I’m saying that a lot in this review) The overall “people kill people” gag was typical corny season 6 humor, even if the visual initially gave me a chuckle.

Stanley Clarke Trio performs “Wild Dog”


— A consistently strong episode; by far the best I’ve covered from this infamous season so far. This episode was just as good as I had always heard it was, and this was also a big improvement over Karen Black’s surprisingly disappointing season 2 episode. Karen also did a much better job hosting tonight than she did in season 2, where I was iffy on a lot of her performances. She was great tonight. This episode was so good, even Update was passable, for the first time all season.
— This episode also featured some of the better performances from my least favorite members of this cast: Ann was very good in the cold opening, Charles was great in various sketches. Even Gilbert (who I thought I would like when this season began, but have ended up being kinda disappointed by him) had his moments tonight.

— a huge step up

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here


Robert Hays

11 Replies to “January 17, 1981 – Karen Black / Cheap Trick, Stanley Clarke Trio (S6 E7)”

  1. This was definitely the highlight of the season. Even the sketches that are the weakest are only decent to good at best…which are usually the best in most of the other episodes this season. The weakest sketch was probably Fair Dinkum which we agreed on, and even that is miles better than some of the junk they’ve dished out.

    The Hospital Bed sketch might be my favorite sketch of the season in many ways. I would love to find out who wrote it because it’s a true home run.

    Even then, we still get the Livelys and Mona Lisa and a great Rocket Report and a pretty solid cold opening among others.

    Risley’s work as Rosalyn Carter in this episode might be her best performance on her short tenure honestly. She does have some solid brief moments in the Bill Murray episode, but this is the one that always stands out for me.

    Rocket playing along with Piscopo was probably more just for show. And of course it didn’t go over well with the audience. I do think it’s interesting how Rocket had Piscopo leave the party early in the doll sketch only to have him return and get into a fight with him. It almost seems like it was intentional.

    In many ways though, this episode feels like they reached a peak only to tumble after.

  2. Was watching the end credits of a different episode and saw Hal Willner’s name… which reminded me of his invaluable contributions to SNL. So I decided to finally get Shazam and identify some pieces of music I’ve been curious about. The music playing during the Hallway Confrontation is “Peace Pipe” by B.T. Express (the “do it till you’re satisfied” guys). For discerning shoppers, “Peace Pipe” is on their second album (not the first, as pictured on YT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKXPUEPFow8

  3. I wonder if anybody reading this right now and thinking of the gun shootings in the last two weeks even remembers the quote of “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” from a little over 40 years ago now…

  4. After editing the episode to my preference for future viewing I saved:

    Frank Sinatra (JOP) lobbies for Nancy Reagan (GLM) to be vice-president

    CHR honors cabbie Rich Schmaltz [real], NYC daredevil

    60 MINUTES
    Dan Rather (JOP) investigates lack of female CBS journalists

    In the hallway, (YVH) confronts neighbor (EDM) about his loud stereo

    In a diner, (host) & Paulie Herman order Five Easy Pieces of wheat toast

    Host has a breakdown because subject keeps changing

    Stanley Clarke Trio performs “Wild Dog”

  5. I really liked the material Ann had in her weekend update commentary but I don’t think she was able to execute the bitter, sarcastic tone well enough. Norm MacDonald would have had a field day with the topic of putting food on a smaller plate to make the portion seem bigger; it’s exactly the kind of commonplace cope that he loved to rip to shreds, and would have used the laser-sharp condescending tone necessary to sell the bit.

    However, Ann was fantastic in the cold open. Hadn’t seen her give such a committed, fun performance.

    Everyone seemed like the best version of themselves for the most part in this episode. It’s hard for me to get through the Hospital Bed sketch without welling up. I love the detail that Gilbert is giving something to Yvonne’s nurse in his will, what a touching and humane moment. And Denny is utterly fabulous.

    Karen Black is an utter delight as a host and fits in perfectly with the cast. She is charming as hell in the Mona Lisa sketch and even in Jersey Guy as the gal from Texas.

  6. I came right to this (even though I’m looking for an entirely different screencap), because I remember reading a season review “…and one episode, hosted by Karen Black, was actually funny all the way through.”

    I think the high point of the season is the Marilyn Suzanne Miller-written sketch in the Burstyn episode, but MSM is an acquired taste, I recognize. But this was definitely the best full show.

    1. That quote was, I believe, from the book “Saturday Night-A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live” when it discussed the Jean Doumanian period. It only covered the first 10 years of the show.

  7. Tavm – I remember ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’ slogan very well. When I was a kid back in the ’70’s, we would use variations of the slogan to insult friends and the like ‘Guns don’t kill people, your breath kills people’ and the like. It seemed funny to us at the time…

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