November 20, 2010 – Anne Hathaway / Florence + The Machine (S36 E7)

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

Charlie Rangel (KET) steals the spotlight

— Rather surprisingly, this is the first time they’ve done this Abby Elliott-starring Rachel Maddow Show sketch since Abby’s fifth episode on SNL, back when that sketch was Abby’s very first big role. It’s sad that, in the almost two years that passed between then and tonight’s episode, Abby’s general airtime on SNL hasn’t progressed much, if at all.
— Abby seems to be trying harder in her Maddow impression tonight than she did in the last Rachel Maddow Show cold opening, but the voice she’s using is STILL too high-pitched to match Maddow’s voice.
— Bill sounded VERY Dan Aykroyd-esque in his-as-John-Boehner’s pronunciation of “barber”.
— Funny line about how Nancy Pelosi always looks like she’s staring at someone not using a coaster.
— (*groan*) Enough with all the cheap “Rachel Maddow looks like a man” jokes.
STARS: ***

host lets ANS, BOM, KET think she’s going to do nude scenes on the show

— I love the genuinely very emotional, overjoyed look on Anne Hathaway’s face after she has entered the stage. You can tell how much hosting SNL means to her.
— Nice to see the underused and still-somewhat-new Bobby get some applause from the audience when he enters as himself in this.
— The premise of this monologue is a little cliched and tired (feels almost like a throwback to those “the male cast takes turns trying to hit on the female host” monologues from the late 90s, with hosts like Heather Graham and Sarah Michelle Gellar), but it’s being executed decently enough.
— I got a pretty good laugh from Kristen saying a sudden wholesome “And that’s what Thanksgiving is all about” right after all the sexual-related stuff in this monologue. Too bad she almost had to ruin it immediately afterwards by hammily staring down the camera during her exit for NO GOOD REASON. It made sense when Andy did that earlier in this monologue, but there was no logical reason for Kristen to do that at all.
STARS: ***

TSA agents echo phone sex operators

— This TSA ad being presented in the style of a typical phone sex ad is a clever and very funny way to spoof the TSA pat-down controversy from this time.
— Solid delivery from Kenan of the line “But it’s proooobably gonna be us.”
STARS: ****

Katie Holmes (host) is peppered with queries by Miley Cyrus (VAB)

— This sketch has officially become recurring.
— Jason takes over the Billy Ray Cyrus role that was played by Bryan Cranston in the previous installment of this sketch.
— Turns out Jason is a lot of fun in this role, moreso than Cranston was.
— Vanessa’s Miley, as a segue: “So, as you probably heard, I’m sexy now!”
— The “sexy” photos of Vanessa’s Miley are all funny.
— Anne’s Katie Holmes impression is killer, especially the long, awkward pauses, which remind me of just how awkward the real Katie Holmes came off in her season 26 SNL hosting stint that I covered.
STARS: ***½

on Thanksgiving, volunteer Penelope harvests attention at a soup kitchen

— The first Penelope sketch to appear in a little over a year, and this also ends up being the final one.
— The audience’s laughter at some of Penelope’s lines tonight seems a bit mild and tepid. I’m enjoying this sketch a little more than they are, but I can understand the audience’s (or anyone else’s) lack of excitement towards this sketch.
— I like Penelope’s inappropriate comment about how it’s easy for homeless people to see fireworks on the Fourth of July because they live outside.
— An amusing cutaway to Penelope’s similarly-traited family members.
— While this Penelope installment is a slight improvement over the below-par last one that appeared prior to this, tonight’s installment still feels too average for Penelope standards. It’s a good thing this ends up being her final appearance, as this character has lost her novelty and seems to be running out of steam.
— I like how, at the very end of this sketch, after we see Penelope in her “celery boat”, the camera pulls back and reveals Kristen is lying on a greenscreen floor on SNL’s home base stage. In hindsight, there’s something strangely fitting about how that visual ends up being the last thing we ever see of Penelope.
STARS: ***

secret chavs Queen Elizabeth (FRA) & Prince Philip (BIH) intimidate Kate Middleton (host)

— Good unexpected turn with Fred and Bill’s Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip suddenly dropping their dignified accents and demeanor, and suddenly talking brashly and threateningly in crude accents towards Anne’s Kate Middleton.
— Fred’s even managing to make this drag role not come off as groan-worthy as some of his other drag roles from around this time. I also like the almost-Mick Jagger-esque voice he’s using here.
— A funny “In the bedroom…THINK FERGIE” line from Bill’s Philip.
STARS: ***½

musical guest performs “Dog Days Are Over”

alcohol & raisins pervade Guy Fieri’s (BOM) extreme Thanksgiving menu

SEM says “Come On, Dictionary” to inclusion of Sarah Palin’s “refudiate”

Four Loko creator Chris Hunter (JAS) defends besieged upper-downer drink

JAP performs hip-hop Thanksgiving songs a la Jay-Z, Drake, Biggie Smalls

— Bobby’s always fun in the Guy Fieri role, and is making this otherwise nothing-special commentary work decently for me.
— Hmm, a variation of the recurring “Really?!?” segment, with Seth doing a new “Come On, Dictionary” segment.
— The overall “Come On, Dictionary” segment ended up being okay. My biggest laugh came from Seth’s “rafing” comment at the end.
— I always love seeing Jason play boorish fratboys like this.
— A funny passing mention from Jason’s character about his coke dealer getting busted.
— Wow, Jay appearing as himself here. A rarity in this SNL era to see a cast member do an Update commentary as themselves.
— Yeesh, Jay’s brief bit about how “Thank You For Being A Friend” should be a Thanksgiving song for white people was a lame and hacky joke.
— A fairly fun excuse to have Jay do a parade of various rapper impressions from his repertoire. The concept of this commentary of his kinda feels like a throwback to Jimmy Fallon’s routine of holiday song medleys, where he does impressions of various singers’ voices.
— Jay’s Drake impression here sounds a lot different from the version he would do in his later seasons, probably because this is before Drake really blew up in popularity.
STARS: ***

whiny Weather Vane (FRA) was cut from The Wizard Of Oz

— The debut of Jason’s Robert Osborne impression.
— Blah, I already don’t like that nasal, dopey voice Fred’s using, which is worrisome given the fact that his character is the main comedic focus of this sketch.
— Great Cowardly Lion/Bert Lahr impression from Bill.
— Yeah, I’m currently a few minutes into this sketch, and the general routine of Fred’s character is doing nothing for me.
— The ending with Fred looking into the camera and saying “da Wizard of Oz!” in that nasal, dopey voice was just plain dumb.

elderly TV reporter Herb Welch (BIH) hits his mic but misses the story

— The debut of Bill’s memorable Herb Welch character.
— Reportedly, this Herb Welch character and his hitting-people-in-the-face-with-his-microphone habit was based on ad-libs Bill made during rehearsals of the news sketch from the Emma Stone episode earlier this season, in which Bill played a normal reporter character. I guess that explains why tonight’s sketch is using the same WXPD news station name that was used in the Emma Stone news sketch.
— Bill is just as great as this character as I had remembered.
— Geez, I keep forgetting Paul Brittain is even in the cast. I know he’s still very new at this point, but compared to his fellow three newbies, the poor guy has gotten practically NOTHING to do these past three episodes.
— I love Bill’s Welch responding to a correction from Jason by angrily saying “You son of a bitch!” while lunging at the camera and repeatedly hitting it with his microphone.
— Funny ending with a dead Herb Welch suddenly coming back to life just to continue repeatedly hitting the camera with the microphone because he’s angry at Jason.
STARS: ****

Mega-Mart’s 12-minute Black Friday sale is irresponsibly hazardous

— Bobby: “That’s right, Coked-Up Rooster!”
— Strong performance from Bobby in a spokesperson role that I feel like we don’t usually see him in.
— I love the extremely fast-paced and frantic pacing of this. That, combined with the increasingly insane features of this Black Friday sale, is VERY much in the vein of the Kickspit Underground Rock Festival commercials. I wonder if this Black Friday commercial has the same writer(s) as those Kickspit commercials.
— Very fun testimonial from Anne as a hyper, rapidly-speaking customer waiting in line.
STARS: ****½

Camel Tame overcompensates while camouflaging female genital definition

— Amusing snarky comment from Bill about Kristen’s camel toe during her office presentation.
— Some decent cheap laughs from the various visuals of proud women’s bulky Camel Tame bulge, and how it’s treated as totally normal by bystanders.
STARS: ***

musical guest performs “You’ve Got The Love”

star-laden soundtrack upstages animated equine baseball movie

— A variation of the Bunny Business sketch from the preceding season’s Taylor Swift episode.
— This even starts the exact same as the Bunny Business sketch, with Fred’s Randy Newman as the first singer.
— Kristen does another solid impression of a 90s singer, this time Dolores O’Riordan.
— Yet another fun performance from Anne tonight, even if I’ve seen better Alanis Morissette impressions elsewhere.
— Very funny take on Robert Smith from Andy.
— The “Buck You” song from Kenan’s Cee Lo Green has kinda stuck in my memory over the years.
STARS: ***½


— A consistently good episode, and a nice rebound after the rough episode that preceded this. A few segments tonight stood out as strong, and there were no segments I disliked, aside from a bad Fred Armisen showcase (The Essentials with Robert Osborne). For the second time, Anne Hathaway was a great and likable host, not just with her sketch performances, but even the littlest things, from her aforementioned emotional, overjoyed demeanor after she made her entrance in the monologue to her endearing “Let’s do it all over again!” declaration during the goodnights.


Transportation Security Administration
WXPD News New York
The Miley Cyrus Show
Royal Engagement
Horse Play
The Rachel Maddow Show
Weekend Update
Camel Tame
Free Thanksgiving Dinner
The Essentials with Robert Osborne

a big step up

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here

Robert DeNiro

8 Replies to “November 20, 2010 – Anne Hathaway / Florence + The Machine (S36 E7)”

  1. Man do Kristen and Fred really need to leave the show at this point. They’re dragging down all the promising new things with their crap.

  2. I love the Black Friday pre-tape. Beyond being paced perfectly and peppered with just the right touches of insanity, it’s a wonderful use of Bobby’s manic energy and is also Anne Hathaway’s best role of the night.

    While this Herb Welch debut doesn’t have my favorite part of these sketches (the hands that travel time and space to slap the anchors in the face), it’s still a terrific performance piece for Bill right out of the gate, and it’s also nice to see the beginnings which didn’t rely as much on easier laughs like racism or groping.

    Anne Hathaway’s very earnest persona is on full display in this episode, giving a glimpse as to why she became a hate figure for the what-goes-up-must-come-down media machine within a few years. Personally I find her to be sincere and likeable, and I am glad she managed to weather all that bullshit.

    In her first episode I thought she was poorly used in a number of roles, and that isn’t very different from my opinion of her in this one. She gets a thin part where she sings but is mostly there to watch Fred Armisen do his hacky quasi-Woody Allen routine. She is stuck in a Penelope sketch (I know a lot of people love that sketch but I actually did almost groan when I saw Penelope) where hosts go to die. She is stuck in an impression parade where she is miscast, then is off time at the start and never really recovers (although to be fair to her she is not really even in this line of work, unlike Fred, who had been doing impressions for many years yet apparently still couldn’t tell the difference between Randy Newman and Barney Frank). The monologue also wastes her.

    The best use of her talent in the live sketches mostly rests in the Miley Cyrus sketch and the Windsors sketch – she’s in supporting roles but they are the right fit for her timing and energy. The latter is overlong and Fred overdoes the mugging and voice (Bill does too at times but is more in control), but it’s a funny concept and mostly entertaining. The Miley Cyrus sketch is just about perfect in length and performance. I love Jason’s work here, and Vanessa manages to mock Miley’s cadence and persona without seeming overly mean-spirited.

    I would have loved to have seen Anne in one of the Anne Beatts/Rosie Shuster sketches or Marilyn Suzanne Miller sketches, but of course, those days are long gone.

    If I ignore Penelope, Kristen has some bright spots this week – she’s the main one who shines in the Rachel Maddow return (the endless jokes about Maddow looking like a little boy and the conclusion with a black Congressman stealing jewelry are…really something), and her Dolores O’Riordan impression is fantastic.

    Bill just outright steals that dumb camel toe pre-tape for me, and he pretty much steals that very fun TSA 900 number ad as well – he’ll do those same hip gyrations to good comic effect in one of Melissa McCarthy’s episodes.

    Bobby is terrific on Update (if that’s how Guy Fieri was in real life he wouldn’t annoy me so much). Jason is also great (it’s nice to see him return to that type of piece), but you can tell the audience isn’t interested. Jay’s Jay-Z is very strong but the rest sort of trails off. I felt like Seth was trying for a few ‘shocking’ jokes in this one, but the audience didn’t seem to mind.

    This was cut from the episode, I guess due to length. I wish they’d found a way to keep it in as it is better to me than a lot of what made it to air.

  3. I mainly remember that monologue, The Miley Cyrus Show, that last Penelope, Royal Engagement, that first Herb Welch sketch, and Camel Tame with Vanessa especially memorable in that. This was mostly enjoyable due to Anne Hathaway’s performances.

  4. The date of this episode (November 20, 2010) is an anagram of the date of the next episode Anne Hathaway hosted (November 10, 2012).

    1. Correction: Actually, it isn’t. (It came pretty close, though.) Sorry about that.

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