February 3, 2007 – Drew Barrymore / Lily Allen (S32 E12)

Segments are rated on a scale of 1-5 stars

judges criticize animals for their poor performances

— Wait, what’s this? Seth IN A SKETCH?!? And in a lead role here?!? During his Weekend Update-only years?!?
— A laugh from Maya’s successful audition only being shown for a split second before getting cut off to show bad auditions.
— Mm, not sure I care for this premise of animals auditioning for American Idol.
— Solid Simon Cowell impression from Jason.
— Yeah, these constant reveals of animals being critiqued by the Idol judges aren’t working for me.
— Why do I hear Kenan laughing off-camera during one of the scene transitions (right after the donkey scene)?
— An unintentional chuckle from the two cats both looking alarmed when a sound effect of meowing cats is played.
— I do like the gag with the auditioning dog’s family of dogs waiting for him outside of the audition room.
— Yet another strong and energetic “Live from New York…” delivery from Seth.

host’s backstage encounter with ANS follows romantic comedy boilerplate

— Drew sets up her backstage visit by claiming she’s going to take us to the Five-Timers Club, as this is her fifth time hosting, only for this monologue to blindside us with a cookie-cutter rom-com spoof that has nothing to do with the Five-Timers Club. Really, SNL? I don’t have too much of a problem with SNL doing this kind of monologue spoofing rom-coms, but why lie to us by prefacing it with an exciting-sounding Five-Timers Club visit?
— Hmm, I see SNL still has binders with the old circular SNL logo from 1988-1995 (as seen held by Amy in the third above screencap for this monologue). Ellen Cleghorne was seen with that same green binder in the backstage cold opening from the season 20 finale, back when that was still the current SNL logo. I think there’s a later backstage monologue/sketch sometime after tonight’s Drew Barrymore episode where that same green binder with the 88-95 SNL logo is also seen, but I can’t remember which episode.
— Pretty funny lines from Will, perfectly playing the douche of typical rom-coms.
— I like the slow-motion montage of backstage scenes that had literally just happened.
— Am I crazy, or does the look of Andy’s hair keep changing back-and-forth throughout this monologue? (side-by-side comparison a little below) Are some portions of this monologue pre-taped for whatever reason? I’m currently watching the live version of this episode, so this isn’t a case of a dress rehearsal substitution being made in reruns.

— Wait, what? Now this randomly turns into a questions-from-the-audience monologue? This monologue, while pretty funny, is an unfocused mess.
— Ah, never mind. The questions-from-the-audience bit is just a set-up for Andy to interrupt with a Say Anything spoof. Lots of odd fake-outs throughout this monologue.
— Ugh, I see a Target set in the background during the shot of Andy holding a radio up in the air ala John Cusack, which gives away the fact that there’s going to be a damn Target Lady sketch tonight. Didn’t they just DO one, like, 2 episodes ago?
STARS: ***

Dakota Fanning (AMP) is mature beyond her years

— Oh, I absolute LOVE how SNL transitions from the monologue to this sketch by having the camera pan over from the home base stage to the set where this sketch is taking place. Reminiscent of what SNL did after the monologue in the season 25 Christina Ricci episode and the season 27 Gwyneth Paltrow episode.
— Boy, Amy sure got changed fast from her appearance in the middle of the monologue.
— “The” Family Guy? What’s with Kenan referring to the show Family Guy as that?
— Kenan’s slow burn facial reactions to Amy-as-Dakota-Fanning’s backhanded remarks to him throughout this sketch are freakin’ perfect.
— Why does Bill’s shirt look so insanely wrinkly?
— For obvious reasons, it’s fitting to have Drew Barrymore play a child actress.
— The tenseness from Amy’s Dakota during the Abigail Breslin interview is solid.
— I love the “Thank you, Catherine” “Okay, you can just call me mom” exchange between Amy’s Dakota and Kristen’s snack-providing character.
— A killer way to end this sketch, with Drew-as-Abigail-Breslin’s bragging about her important upcoming movie role being responded to by Amy’s Dakota saying a casual, fake-gleeful “I get raped in my next movie! Anyway…”
STARS: ****

therapist (KRW) counsels (WLF) & the wife (host) who poisons him

— Interesting facial prosthetics on a poisoned Will.
— I absolutely love the oddball, absurdist, creative premise of this sketch, especially for a sketch placed in such an early spot in this episode.
— Very strong understated performances from all involved in this sketch. A perfect mix of a great premise and great execution by the writers and performers.
— Funny reveal of Will being a model.
STARS: ****½

’80s exercise tape has low-impact workout & softcore porn

— A change of pace for a Digital Short.
— Funny random detail of two of the girls being named Donna.
— I love Maya’s aggressive brief shout of “WOO!” during one exercise.
— Kristen giving us an early display of her future Triangle Sally dance.
— So many hilarious little gags all throughout this.
— The recreation of the look of a typical video from an old, worn-out 1980s VHS tape is absolutely DEAD ON, right down to the littlest details like the occasional bad tracking.
STARS: ****½

Target Lady teaches trainee (host) how to ring up items at the checkout

— (*sigh*) And here’s our Target Lady sketch that was spoiled earlier in this episode.
— I do somewhat like Target Lady’s subtly disappointed/heartbroken reaction when Jason decides to buy something she really wants that is now out of stock, which I kinda appreciate just because it’s a change of pace from the usual tired dreck we see with Target Lady.
— This was mercifully somewhat short for a Target Lady sketch.

hyper job applicant (host) digs a deeper hole following botched interview

— This is a sketch that I recall getting a lot of acclaim from online SNL fans back in 2007, but I’ve also seen online SNL fans in recent years have a negative reaction to this sketch and say it comes off like a bad James Anderson-written one-note Kristen Wiig-starring sketch. In my original 2007 review of this episode back when this episode originally aired (seen here), I didn’t care much for this sketch. I’m curious how I’ll react to this sketch during my current viewing, after what I just said about how wildly differing the reaction from fans in 2007 and 2020 are.
— Shaundra Shart? Is this a sister character to future cast member Mikey Day’s character Matt Schatt?
— Never mind, Drew’s character reveals that she messed up her last name, which is actually Sharpe.
— I love Drew calling Kenan “Grown-Up Webster”.
— Drew is selling her character’s tenseness, hyperness, and antsiness really well.
— Did I just hear Amy pronounce the first name of Drew’s character completely differently from how Drew herself pronounced it?
— A fart gag in this sketch? Oof. As this sketch goes along, I’m starting to get more and more of a James Anderson vibe from it.
— Didn’t care for the ending at all.
— I’m torn on this overall sketch. One one hand, I loved Drew’s performance, she did a great job with the material, some of the material itself was really funny, and the structure to this sketch was interesting and unique. On the other hand, some portions of this sketch kinda rubbed me the wrong way and reeked of bad James Anderson trademarks, and I hated the ending.
STARS: ***

musical guest performs “Smile”

menacing nanny Barbara Birmingham (KET) is against spanking ban

— Kenan In A Dress alert.
— The debut of a very short-lived and forgotten Kenan Thompson recurring Update character.
— At least Kenan’s playing this particular black female role differently from the interchangeable way he portrays most black female roles.
— I love Kenan angrily lunging over the desk at Seth.
— Seth’s mean-spirited joke about his grandmother dying was odd but very solid.
— I like Amy’s hints at her small chest size during the breast-enlarging shampoos/soaps/lotions bit with her and Seth. However, she almost ruined it in typical Amy-Poehler-on-Weekend-Update fashion by making an annoyingly corny, hammy, cutesy ad-lib at the end of the bit.
STARS: ***½

Elton John (HOS) attends Donatella Versace’s (MAR) Super Bowl Party

— Jesus Christ, they’re still trotting out these way-past-their-prime Versace sketches in 2007? By this point, I had forgotten these sketches were even a thing. After all, the last Versace sketch prior to this was two seasons ago when Johnny Knovxille hosted. Tonight’s Versace sketch also (mercifully) ends up being the final one.
— Maya’s Versace explains her long absence by saying she was in rehab for two years. Meh, SNL could’ve come up with a funnier reason for her two-year absence.
— Somewhat interesting to see Fred’s Prince outside of those tired and formulaic Prince Show sketches, but I’m not sure putting him in a Versace sketch is the way to add new life to this impression.
— They’re even repeating the tired “Hey, where did Prince go?” gag from the Prince Show sketches, though I guess that adds up, as James Anderson is, I believe, the writer of both the Prince Show and these Versace sketches.
— The atmosphere of this sketch feels kinda dead so far, which is further proof of how way-past-their-prime these Versace sketches are.
— Wow, TWO big sketch appearances tonight from the Weekend Update-only Seth!
— Seth’s high-pitched British accent as David Beckham reminds me of Dana Carvey, for some reason. Anyway, Seth’s adding some much-needed fun life to this otherwise laughless tripe.
— Was that a “Da Bearrrsssss” self-reference SNL randomly made just now, with Versace telling the Beckhams that they’re so boring, if they were a football team, they’d be called “Da Borrrreeeesssss” (ugh, what an awful, hacky joke).
— As if this sketch weren’t insufferable enough, we now get a random Horatio Sanz cameo? And as Elton John? (*groan*)
— Horatio is noticeably a little thinner here compared to how he looked in his days as a cast member. As we now know, this is only the beginning of a drastic weight loss that would eventually result in a legitimately thin and healthy-looking Horatio. Maybe getting fired from SNL was the best thing to happen to his health.
— Ugh at that joke about Elton John being a “musical fruit”, not to mention the subsequent barrage of hacky gay jokes about Elton John that these Versace sketches always bombard us with.

at a country club, valet (AMP) woos out-of-his-league divorcee (host)

— Amy playing a character that, in hindsight, comes off as a very Kate McKinnon type of character. After having gotten so used to seeing Kate play roles like this in recent years, it feels odd now seeing Amy play it in an old sketch that I hadn’t seen since 2007.
— Amy’s portrayal of this character is solid.
— Amy as Jo-Jo: “I don’t have a fancy house…or a house.”
— Funny snobbish voices from Will and the sadly-very-underused Bill Hader, reminding me of the snobbish voices they used in that great tennis sketch from the preceding season’s Tom Hanks episode.
— A very odd sketch, but Amy’s performance is definitely making it work for me.
— SNL would later attempt to bring this Jo-Jo character back in an episode later this season (I think the Peyton Manning episode, but I’m not sure), in a sketch where Jo-Jo is a waiter at a restaurant, but the sketch would end up getting cut after dress rehearsal. I think I recall hearing that the sketch can be seen in the bonus features of SNL’s “Best Of 2006-2007” DVD.
STARS: ***½

pyrokinetic Charlie McGee (host) hawks Firestarter-brand smoked sausages

— SNL keeps the unique and oddball sketch concepts going tonight, as we now get this wonderfully-absurd and creative piece.
— Great callback to a childhood movie role of Drew’s.
— I absolutely love Jason’s performance as this bizarre singer character, a very Will Ferrell-esque role.
— This was cut after dress rehearsal from Drew’s season 29 episode. I’m VERY curious as to who played Jason’s role in that version of this sketch, given the fact that Jason was only a writer that season and wasn’t in the cast yet. The only season 29 cast member I can picture playing this role is Will Forte (and I’m sure he would’ve killed it in this role just as much as Jason, if not moreso), but he’s still on the show by this point in 2007, and I doubt SNL would take the role away from him. Then again, maybe Jason himself was the one who wrote this sketch back in season 29, and perhaps that’s the reason for SNL now letting him play this singer role.
STARS: ****

musical guest performs “LDN”

Peter O’Toole (BIH) & progenal sot host elegize drinking’s glory days

— Ah, Bill Hader front-and-center as the lead in a sketch. Sad how that feels rare at this stage of his SNL tenure.
— Great to see Bill’s Peter O’Toole impression back, after that very solid Weekend Update commentary he did earlier this season.
— I love the style of this sketch, as well as the interplay between Bill and Drew. Bill also has lots of great lines here. I especially love his line about flashing his “O’Toole”.
STARS: ****

— They’re still re-running this commercial from the preceding season?


— A pretty solid episode, despite two typical weak recurring things (Target Lady, Versace), and a tepid American Idol cold opening. A big part of what I admire about this episode is how it tried a lot of different, unconventional sketches (especially in the post-Weekend Update half of the show), all of which worked for me to varying degrees.


a very slight step down

My full set of screencaps for this episode is here

Forest Whitaker